Promote Oromo interests
The Oromo media in the Finfinne News Network promote the Oromo cause
and strive to be a voice for the Oromo people including for the independent
Oromo political parties. The regional, local and global news media intentionally ignore covering
events that are related to the Oromo people and the nation and its leaders are denied any media platform especially by non-Oromo Ethiopian media.
Finfinne News Network is established to enable Oromo media that focus on covering the Oromo struggle for independence.
Provide free satellite services to member Oromo Media
Finfinne News Network will fundraise, lease satellites, and freely provide
services to member Oromo media to support their effort to reach the Oromo mass.
The establishment of Finfinne News Network is also intended to strengthen the institutional capacity of the Oromo people
by providing free and quality services.
Finfinne News Network will also provide quality improvement guidance and training to its member media
at frequent intervals using Oromo and non-Oromo media professionals.
Finfinne News Network n sabaa-himaa fi sagalee keessan. Finfinne News Network n qabsoo Oromoof argaaf dhageettii tahuun sabni keenya sagalee akka
qabaatu cichee hojjeta. Jaarmiyaan sabaa-himaa damee mootummaa isa 4ffaa dha jedhu. Sabaa-himaan duudhaa uummata tokko tumsuu keessatti qooda olaanaa qaba.
Oromoon jaarmiyaa (institution) sabaa-himaa dhaabbachuun dhimma isaa waliinis addunyaanis beeksisuun dantaan Oromoo akka eegamu gumaacha olaanaa godha.
Finfinne News Network n sabaa-himaalee Oromoo walaba tahanii fi walabummaa fi bilisummaa Oromootti amanan gaaddisa tokko jalatti gurmeessee tamsaasi isaan akka Oromiyaa gahu deggersa satalayitii ni godha.
Kanaafis deggersa keessan irratti ni hundaa'a.
Harka walqabannee qabsoo keenya galmaan haa geenyu.
Finfinne News Network n sabaa-himaa keessan, jaarmiyaa keessan.
FNN gargaaraa!