Union of Oromo Evangelical Churches express their concern to U.S. Secretary of State about the killings and imprisonment in Oromia
Published May 14, 2021, 12:28 p.m. by FNN
The Honorable Mr. Anthony J. Blinken
The Secretary of State
U.S. Department of State
Washington, D.C. 20520
Fax: 202-261-8577
Email: Secretary@state.gov
May 13, 2021
RE: Fear of Civil War in Ethiopia
Your Excellency,
We, the Union of Oromo Evangelical Churches, a non-profit umbrella organization of Oromo Churches from the USA, Canada, Europe, Australia, and Africa are bringing to your attention again our utmost concerns and sadness regarding the continued unprecedented human rights violations and the drum of civil war in Ethiopia today. We appreciate the positive actions you are taking to address the complicated crisis happening in the Horn of Africa. We hope and pray that such a visit will solve some of the tragedies happening in Ethiopia in general and Oromia and Tigray regions in particular. Regardless of the international community's concerns and deliberate positive actions, mass incarceration, killings of civilians and intimidating people for their political views, ethnic background and religious convictions have continued.
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