OLF-OLA sends an open letter to the Kenyan government

Published May 11, 2022, 12:35 a.m. by FNN


The Oromo Liberation Army sent an open letter to the Kenyan government in reaction to a comment by Marsabit goverment in which the latter referred to the OLF. Marsabit county is a northern Kenyan district bordering the Borana zone of Oromia. It is about 460km from or 5:40hours from Yabello, Borana, Oromia. Thousands of the Borana Oromos count Sololo, Marsabit, Kenya as home. There is strong ties between the Kenya Borenas and Oromia Borana as they are both Oromo and share the same desent. 

Politicians have tried to saw discord between the same people across the border often as the Ethiopia government pursues the Oromo Liberation Army across the border into Kenya. In 2019, the Ethiopian military killed  two Kenyans while fighting with OLA on the border of Kenya. The Oromos also often cross into kenya whenever attacked by the Ethiopian military. In 2018, about 8000 Oromos fled an attack by the Ethiopian government at one point.

In a recent remark that was circulating, a Kenyan government official is said to have suggested a plan on conducting security operation to clear groups operating in Marsabit county and mentioned about OLF in that context. 
The Oromo Liberation Army called for Kenyan government's neutrality in the war between the Ethiopian government and the Oromo Liberation Front. 

Of note, the Ethiopian government is commiting genocide in Oromia and in Tigray and has been sactioned by the US late in 2021. In early 2022, the United States policy makers have also voted on two bills: S3199 and HR6600 that aims to promote stability, democracy, and accountability in Ethiopia.

The full letter of the Oromo Liberation Army is attached below. 






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