Release of OLF leaders

Published Oct. 4, 2024, 7:02 p.m. by FNN


On 5 September, after prolonged, illegal detention, despite up to six or more court orders for
their release, the seven top OLF leaders, six of whom had been in crowded dirty prison cells
since 2020, were released. (Gada Gebissa was detained in 2021 and had not appeared in
court.) Spokesman Lemi Gemechu attributed their release to pressure from the OLF, human
rights organisations, political parties and public advocacy. U.S. diplomacy and the imminent
arrival of Special Envoy Mike Hammer may have been significant.
Among their advocates and a regular visitor was Bate Urgessa who would have been released
alongside the others if he had not been freed because of severe ill health in March 2022. His
assassination by Ethiopian security forces on 9 April this year and the summary execution in
cold blood of Lammi Benya’s 19 year-old brother, Fira’ol, in July 2022 in Nekemte, added
poignancy to the release of the men.
In detention, Kenassa Ayana developed diabetes and orthopaedic problems causing him great
difficulty standing and walking, while Gada Gebissa developed Hepatitis B.
From left to right: Dawit Abdata, Mikael Boran, Lammi Benya, Gada Gebissa, Dr Gada
Oljira, Kenassa Ayana and Abdi Regassa. Although out of prison, they are neither free nor

Fano and Amhara militia attacks in East Wallega and Horo Guduru
The following is a summary of acts of ethnic cleansing by Fano and Amhara Region militia
in two zones of Oromia Region – East Wallega and Horo Guduru – which abut the southwest
borders of West and East Gojjam, Amhara Region. The extent of ethnic cleansing by Amhara
forces of Oromo in the Oromia Special Zone within Amhara Region and in the Oromia
Region zones of West, North and East Showa is not included in this review.
Fano first came to OSG’s attention with the release of a video of its supporters beating to
death at least ten injured Oromo patients from Jille Dhumuga district in the Oromia Special Zone in Amhara Region, after their arrival in an ambulance at Yifat Hospital in Showa Robit
on 21 March 2021.

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