The disarmament, demobilization and re-integration agreement between Prosperity Party and TPLF

Published Nov. 12, 2022, 6:38 p.m. by FNN


The text of the disarmement agreement is found below: 
2) Disarmament of Tigrayan Combatants 
2.1 In accordance with Article 6 of the Agreement, the following will be the process
of this disarmament:
(a) Orientation by the commanders for their respective forces will take place over a period of seven (7) days starting on the date of the commanders' arrival to the regular position on 15 November 2022.
(b) After the orientation, disengagement will take place over a period of four (4) days in four disengagement zones.
(c) Upon    disengagement, the federal authorities shall assume federal
responsibilities in accordance with the Constitution for all areas including the resumption of services.
d) Disarmament  of  heavy  weapons will be done concurrently  with the withdrawal of foreign and non-ENDF forces from the region.
(e) A joint committee shall be established on the date of signing of this Declaration by the two commanders to work out a detailed implementation plan for the disarmament of light weapons and report within a period of ourteen (14) days with a clear plan for the process and timelines for the disarmament of light weapons. The Committee shall comprise two (2) representatives from the Parties and one (1) representative from the AU Monitoring and Verification Team.

The signed full agreement is attached.

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