OLF statement on the situation of Oromo migrants in Saudi Arabia

Published Feb. 11, 2022, 6:51 p.m. by FNN


OLF Continues to Urge the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Handle Refugees Humanely Statement of the Oromo Liberation Front – 11, February 2022


The Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) and the Oromo people in general are immensely saddened by the continuous mistreatment of Oromo and other Ethiopian refugees by Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is to be recalled that the OLF had issued a statement on June 21, 2021 regarding the mistreatment of refugees in detention centers by the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Although we hoped that the situation would improve, we are shocked that the mistreatment of refugees has continued getting worse from time to time and reached at an alarming stage. According to the tangible information coming out from the detention centers in Saudi Arabia, large number of Oromia refugees are currently detained in different parts of the country mainly in Riyad and Jeddah. These refugees are suffering in below-standard detention conditions. According to tangible information received from the detained Ethiopian refugees in Saudi Arabia, more than 95% of the detainees are Oromos. These detainees include children, pregnant women, old age, and people with different sorts of disabilities who are susceptible to various type of diseases and infections caused by overcrowded, unhygienic and suffocated detention conditions. They do not receive essential basic items to survive including food, water, clothing, sanitation, and medicines. We are overly concerned about these refugees as they are exposed to various communicable disease including Covid- 19 and TB. There are reports coming out from the detention centers that some children, women and old aged people are already died. The OLF expresses its sadness of the terrible actions taken on Oromo refugees by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We believe that this is against the covenants and laws of the UNHCR, international Human rights and regional refugee laws. We ask the Government of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to address these inhumane and degrading treatments to the Oromo refugees and reconsider improving the situations as per the national and international laws and obligations of the treatment of political refugees including the UNHCR, Human Rights Council and Children and Vulnerable Peoples Protection laws.

Read more below here.

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