
The Oromo Liberation Front- Oromo Liberation Army congratulates the newly elected Kenyan president William Ruto

Published Aug. 16, 2022, 4:31 p.m. by FNN


The Oromo Liberation Army sent a congratulatory statement yesterday to the newly elected president of Kenya, William Ruto. The OLA emphasized the relationship between the Oromo people and Kenya and the significance of Kenya as a second home to the largest Oromo community outside of Oromia.

The OLA stated the interest to work with the newly elected president of Kenya in fostering the bodn between the Oromo people and Kenya and for peace and stability in the horn of Africa region.

President elect Ruto was a vice president under Uhuru Kenyatta who endorsed Raila Odinga in this campaign. The chief of the electoral commision declared William Ruto as the winner with a tight margin of 50.49%. Four of the seven election officials have questionined the election result raising a fear of protest.

Raila Odinga, the son of the Kenyan first vice presedent lost his fifth attempt at becoming the Kenyan President. He rejected the result of the elction that was conducted on August 9 and some people in his home city of Kisumu and the capital took to streets following the announcemnet of the result but calm is said to have returned. Kenya has history of violence after elections that have costed some their lives. In 2007 and 2017 several people died due to a violence that erupted following election dispute.

The full OLF-OLA congratulatory letter is found below. 


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